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We want you to be satisfied with your purchase from American Legal Forms® LLC. Original shipping charges are not refundable. Returns on custom work or special orders will not be accepted. Full Payment is required before shipping. LEGAL FORM CUSTOM PRINTED OR OTHERWISE NON – RESELLABLE PRODUCT SALES ARE FINAL SALES, NO EXCHANGES. Please note printing order quantities can vary 10% or above or below the original order.
Returns are only accepted after a return authorization is provided by American Legal Forms within 30 days of purchase. We charge a 20% restocking fee plus shipping fees. Shipping includes pickup and delivery services. Payments can be made by telephone or with a credit card. Please note: sales to accounts with balances past due 30 days may be suspended until payment is received. We charge 1.5% interest on balances over 30 days. Collection fees when applicable will be added to past due balances. Any checks that are NSF will be charged a $35.00 service fee.